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Guild Wars

Guild Wars Information.

How to use Guild War System. Only guild leaders can manage the Guild War.
!war invite, Guild One, 25, 10000

* Will send the invitation for the guild named Guild One to war till the 25 frag limit with the 10k gold bounty win. The bounty money will be taken from the guild bank account instantly after the invitation was sent. The war will be declared only after Defending Guild accept.
!war cancel, Guild One

* Will cancel the previously sent invitation for war. If bounty was set the money will be returned to the guild bank account instantly after the cancellation. The command is available only when Defending Guild haven't accept the war yet.
!war reject, Guild One

* The Defending Guild will reject the invitation to war. If bounty was set the money for inviting guild will be returned to the guild bank account instantly after the rejection. The command is available only when the war haven't started.
!war accept, Guild One

* The Defending Guild will accept the invitation to war. If bounty was set the accepting guild has to have the declared amount of bounty in their guild bank account which will be removed instantly after the accept.

Common Rules about Guild War System

1. Once the war have started there is no possibility to cancel it. This means think twice before declaring the war. Hunt - or be hunted.
2. Always keep your Guild Chat open. All the progress about kills will be reported in the guild channel by the system.
3. Your war enemies will be marked with the green skull. There is no unjustified frags counting for kills made in the war.
4. The winner is the only one. The guild which reached the agreed kills count limit first. From the moment once the frag limit was achieved the regular unjustified frag kills will start counting. If the bounty was set it will be sent to the winner guild bank account immediately after the victory.
5. The maximum bounty amount to set is 1000cc. The maximum frag limit to set is 500.

There have not been any pending wars on this server.