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Tibia Legacy


Features of Legacy.

Server Rates
Experience Skills Magic Loot Gold Respawn
Stages 3x 2x 2x 1x 2x

Legacy aims not only for that nostalgic feel but also longevity. We want achievements to be earned and truly feel rewarding but take into consideration that many of us have busy lives and are not able to commit the same amount of time we once did back in the day. Accordingly, the server rates are kept low.

Sudden Death and Magic Missile damage all players in stack
UH Trap
Monster Overspawn
NPCs only sell blank runes.
Learning spells based off magic level
Shield items display attack attribute
No Wands/Rods

Custom Features
Task in client
Shop in Client
Sleeping in beds regenerates HP/MP

Skull System and Protection
Protection Zone Lock Duration 60 Seconds
White Skull Duration 15 Minutes
Unjustified Kills for Red Skull 3 Daily
Unjustified Kills for Red Skull Ban 6 Daily
Red Skull Duration 7 Days
Red Skull Ban Duration 3 Days

The Skull System is a system that was made to make sure that Player Killing doesn't get out of control.

Up to 2 Unjustified Kill is counted per player death. The Unjustified Kill will go to the player that dealt the killing blow. If a player did not deal the killing blow, the player that dealt the most damage will get credit for the kill instead. If 2 or more players dealt damage to a player before they die, the player dealing the killing blow and the player who dealt the most damage will receive an unjustified kill.

House Rent Period Monthly
House Price per Square Meter 50 gold peices
Free access to buy houses Yes
Level Required to Buy House 20

Houses are private buildings that can be rented by players. They are mostly found in the cities, but rentable buildings can be found anywhere in Tibia. Houses come in three forms: there are normal houses that are designed as resting places for single characters or perhaps for small groups of friends, shops in which players can build up a prospering business and even guildhalls in which whole guilds can find shelter!.

The houses can be bought in the auction system on the Legacy website. You can leave or trade your house by standing inside your house and usign the !leavehouse or !sellhouse command.

If ownership of a house is lost due to failing to pay rent, leaving the house or trading the house, the house contents will be sent to the depot of the town the house belongs to.

There are no extra requirements to buy a house, you just have to be level 20 or higher, remember to have the money in the bank to pay the rent.